
Friday, 21 March 2014

News Paper Report- North head Trip

Tamaki Primary Students take

Devon port...Written by: Jennifer & ChasityPhotography by: Kyla HanselTamaki primary students boat across the Waitemata Harbor as they go on a trip to North Head.
room 8 @ northhead.pngOn Wednesday 12th of March 2014 Room’s 1,4,6,8,9 traveled by bus and ferry across the Waitemata Harbor to Devon port on a trip to North Head. Still remaining at Devon port Park their teacher Ms. Kyla Hansell Instructed her students to line up, so they are ready for the long walk.
As they exit the park onto the local streets, Taylor a student from her class say’s “It’s pretty Tiring walking up this mountain, but then again it’s worth it because we’ll be able to have a long rest once we’re up there.” Jennifer replied “Its a great exercise  it might be the first and last exercise I am going to have for the week.”
Students surround the cannon looking at information and also the historical sights. As themselves teachers direct students to pack up their lunches and to be ready for another Huge walk. Climbing up hills and walking down stairs a couple of Year 8 students carry younger students on their back, as they get tired. People from the community walk into night-like tunnels heading into others as they get towards the end.
photo 3 (2).JPGSome students that attended the trip said that they wanted to go through the other tunnels but they weren’t allowed as the tunnels were noted “Blocked off!..”.
As you can see in this photograph, teachers had told the children to surround the cannon as they were going to take a photo of them. Teachers called out “3,2,1 TAMAKI!..” They shouted and cheered while posing.
As time passed by everyone carried on towards the entrance of North head, they then parted into their individual classes and headed towards the ferry drop off. Room 1,4,6,9 and some of room 7 headed on the ferry, ready for the big ride, room 8 had to wait until the next ferry came, which was understandable.
As they waited room 8 students said “We had a great time and we learnt so much! It was an amazing experience!” A ferry was near by, the security man said that room 8 could aboard the boat. Room 8 students boarded the boat along with miss Kyla. The engine started, they knew they were off across the Waitemata Harbor.

Jennifer and Chasity Syllabification T1W8

ques-tion =2
in-ves-ti-gate =3
se-lect =2
re-ject =2
cat-e-gory =3
or-der =2
go-al =3
a-chieve =2
de-ve-lop =3
con-fe-rence =3
This is my Syllabification, that we made so we know how many syllables that are in these words.

Tuesday, 18 March 2014

Ordering Fractions Game

This is my high score for ordering Fractions game, this game is all about ordering fraction symbols from smallest to biggest, next time I am going to try and put the fractions symbols in order.

My ordering Fractions

This is my ordering fractions, we had to put these fractions into order from smallest to biggest.  Then match them with the fractions symbols/ written names.

Tuesday, 11 March 2014

Smart Digital Footprint

This is my Wordle about how to keep your tracks safe online and these words will help you stay safe online and protect private information

Tuesday, 4 March 2014

Jennifer and Mary- Jane's Smart Surfing- Key word search

Jennifer and Mary- Jane's Command + F

Me and Mary- Jane have been working on why is command + f really cool, well we hope that our Google drawing will make it easier for you to search key words I hope you use it and find what you are looking for. Thank you!!!