This is an activity we were given for cyber smarts. We had to draw our own Digizen ( Digital- Citizen) Creature and label any part of the body that represented anything online.
The ear represents.........
Music because people wants to listen to the latest music
The tail represents.......
WIFI connection because people needs wireless so they can use the wireless to do online stuff that they need wireless for.
The foot represents......
Smart footprint because people always has to double check if they haven't left any marks behind.
The eye represents......
Images because people wants to search up images so they can use the images for a project or something else they need pictures for.
The hand represents......
Research because people wants to search up information to use or to look up an online dictionary to know the meaning of a word.
The mouth represents......
Chatting because people might want to socialise online instead of going to peoples houses and talk they want to message each other online.
The stomach represents......
Online recipe's because people might not want to cook the same recipe over and over again they might want to try out new things and they went online and start searching up recipe's from different chefs.