Theres a camp, called ‘Kokako Lodge’
In Papakura, where nobody knows..
Archery, the most powerful force,
Shooting down Y’all, always winning all wars
Abseiling, getting in the zone
climbing down the rocks, hurting all your bones
Listen to the teachers and all their instructions
They have the weapon of a mass destruction
Tamaki here, Tamaki there, before you even know it Tamaki everywhere
Be scared, there is a camp nation!
Camp is the best with no hesitation
They ban attitude, they ban anything that has no USE!
Team building! You need to work as a team
Made a raft boat going down the stream
Is this reality or is it a dream?
Take it to the north running back and forth
Take it to the`south shouting Tamaki loud
Take it to the west we’re better than the rest
‘we Out’!
Hi Jennifer, your blog post on your camp rap was awesome! How long did it take to make a rap about camp? Maybe you could have: Take it to the east let's go have a feast. Maybe... anyway good job, keep up the great work.
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